Surgical Case Review Portals
Healthcare data isn’t worth much if no one can access it. Although the volume of healthcare data grew 878% between 2016 and 2019 alone,1 Black Book estimates that 90% of the data in provider organizations remains unutilized.2
Even when the data is being pulled into some sort of dashboard for review, the experience is often clunky and slow. We have seen database queries take as long as 10 minutes to complete. When healthcare providers are already strapped for time, having to wait that long to review data just adds on to their already busy days.
The surgical case review portals we have built are bucking these trends, getting critical data out of unstructured lakes and into the hands of the people who can use it to improve patient care. Custom built for surgical robots, our platforms interpret the reams of data collected during procedures, making it accessible to health system clients in various forms. Most importantly, the data is presented in a streamlined and efficient manner.
Designing these systems is no simple task, as each department in a health system comes to a database looking for different information in very different formats. The Health Connective development team focuses first on parsing the data to make it meaningful for each user type, then on optimizing the interface to deliver the most appropriate user experiences. This helps to connect the dots between the raw data and the valuable insights each user needs to do their work.
Project Surgical Case Review Portals
Customer Fortune 500 companies
Description A full-featured dashboard to access and interact with the data generated by a robot used in medical procedures
Service Learn more about our development services for surgical case review portals here:
Digital Surgery Online Portal
The result is an extremely versatile dashboard with potential for an extraordinarily broad user base, including:
Physicians, who may use these dashboards to review their own procedures and to train others. We have even built dashboards to process videos captured by a device, making them easily accessible for online viewing, editing, or for export into presentations. Playback capability is a critical feature that facilitates continued improvement in patient care.
Clinical administrators, who aggregate data to evaluate outcomes, searching for cases where the actual surgical pathway deviated from the expected pathway, or for links in cases with adverse events. Our dashboards enable them to pull data by physician, procedure length, diagnosis, and more, using the information to develop new treatment standards and protocols.
IT security teams, who need to verify that data security protocols are in place to protect patient data. Our team has built dashboards to enable that process.
Engineers, who need to monitor systems to ensure the device is functioning properly. A dashboard can help them review that information and keep track of any issues that arise.
We are also able to accomplish these results with much speedier load times than other dashboards on the market. Compared to upwards of 10 minutes for new data to load, our dashboards have been able to load data in an average of under 2 seconds or faster.
As hospitals struggle to make use of data throughout their organizations, surgical case review portals can be a significant selling point. With a streamlined dashboard, customers are getting two solutions in one: a cutting-edge medical device and an analytics platform. While one is upping the standard of care for individual patients, the other is leveraging data to improve care for all patients.
1 “Organizations See 878% Data Growth Rate Since 2016,” Fred Donovan. May 8, 2019, HIT Infrastructure. Accessed July 2, 2021, at Organizations See 878% Health Data Growth Rate Since 2016 (
2 “Data Analytics Utilization ‘Negligible’ Among 80% of Healthcare Orgs,” Jack O’Brien. January 15, 2020, HealthLeaders. Accessed July 2, 2021, at Data Analytics Utilization ‘Negligible’ Among 80% of Healthcare Orgs | HealthLeaders Media
The client was most excited about the look, the UI, and the user experience we’re presenting for their platform. We’ve gotten very good feedback about accomplishing the team’s goals.
– Justin Bantuelle, Health Connective