Administrative Dashboard for Client Account Management
Good app design is not just about features. It’s about how easy it is to use those features.
We built the P3 Dashboard to make account management easier for our own clients. As managers of busy medical practices, our P3 clients were juggling numerous administrative tasks. Anticipating their needs, we built an intuitive dashboard that streamlined their work with our team. The interface is clean, guiding users through processes every step of the way.
Here’s what they can do now without calling customer support:
Project P3 Dashboard
Description An extendable, intuitive platform that gives clients control over their own account management
Service Learn more about our services for custom marcom tools like P3 Dashboard:
Custom Marcom Tools
Billing and Payments
Clients can view detailed invoices and billing history, manage credit cards, and set online payments. The system even notifies clients when credit cards expire, automatically redirecting them to the update page.
Email Management
Clients who use our email hosting service can manage their email accounts right from the dashboard. Admins can activate and deactivate email accounts, view account activity, and even increase or decrease their storage capacity.
User Access
The dashboard supports granular control over users and access, so practices can have multiple users with access to different features and tools. One user can also be associated with more than one practice dashboard—an important feature that’s specific to healthcare.
Dashboard admins don’t need training or an extensive FAQ document to get started, either. Our developers focused sharply on user experience, removing potential frustration points and ensuring the interface made navigation exceptionally clear.
Future expansions of the dashboard will take advantage of API integration to bring in data from other platforms. We can link up with our reputation marketing partner, for example, to enable instant display of program metrics and analytics.
For now, our practice managers appreciate the autonomy and account transparency the dashboard provides. It’s also gratifying to see first hand how our applications make day-to-day life easier for our clients.
You don’t have to be a power user to be able to figure out how to navigate our applications. I think we really excel at user experience with interfaces that are delightful to use.
– Justin Bantuelle, Health Connective