As a marketer, it’s your job to know what your customers are up to. You want to know their interests, what problems they’re trying to solve, and what’s making their lives easier. You likely have a decent amount of data about your customers. The picture may not be clear at a granular level. Still, you […]
Medtech Marketing Strategy
This content includes tips and best practices from our work with marcom teams, including how to effectively communicate what you need to developers (whether in-house or third-party), and how to demonstrate value to the C-suite and your customers.
Addressing Medtech Customer Concerns and Winning Their Trust
We’ve been talking about gathering customer feedback on a regular basis here at Health Connective. It’s a guiding light that will guide your marketing efforts considerably. But we don’t always have to rely on surveys to get some overarching ideas about what customers are looking for. After all, we’re not the only ones interested in […]
Healthcare Headsets Finally Taking Off? What Apple Vision Could Mean
Surprisingly enough, I’m not here to sing Apple’s praises or to criticize the company’s major new announcement of the Vision Pro headset. I’d rather look at what kind of impact Apple could have on medtech products if it is successful with its new $3,500 “spatial computing” product. (Stick with me, even if your company doesn’t […]
Maximizing Your Customer Feedback Strategy
Picture this: The new patio furniture you ordered has arrived right in the middle of a jam-packed work week. Unfortunately, the only family member with free time to assist you is, well, not the most reliable character (we all have that family member, right?). You’re not feeling super confident that it’s going to turn out […]
Conquer Those Marketing Challenges with Clear Problem Definition
As marketers, we’re often presented solutions for problems that we may not actually have. All of that stuff could be useful (except for that specific email list). These taglines are written by marketers, so, of course, they sound useful. But the problem with these catchy taglines is that they are written in the hopes that […]
Don’t Kill the Engine
One of the regular refrains we often repeat as a team is “don’t kill the engine.” Meaning, we can explore ideas as a business, but we can’t let those ideas interfere with providing service to our clients. If something will interfere with our ability to deliver on our core promise, then we have to reconsider […]
Call Your Audience to Adventure
This was my first year attending Social Media Marketing World in San Diego, and I certainly left with enough knowledge that my head felt like it was going to pop. Social media is obviously changing in many ways: Rather than going through all of the fascinating details I heard during the meeting, I want to […]
Be More Human in Your Marketing with the Right Tech
When we look back at all the technological innovations that have come up in our marketing tools, it’s easy to see where we’ve put a barrier between us and the people we mean to help. This isn’t just a problem with how we interact with our audience and our customers. We create the same […]