“Robots are old news now.” The statement gave us all a chuckle during a recent client call. Once the hot buzzword in the industry, “robotics” is now just another innovative tool in the toolkit for medtech companies. It’s not that robotic devices are incapable of doing impressive things. Far from it. There are entire companies […]
Medtech Marketing Strategy
This content includes tips and best practices from our work with marcom teams, including how to effectively communicate what you need to developers (whether in-house or third-party), and how to demonstrate value to the C-suite and your customers.
Dialing in on the Product Your Customers Actually Need
When developing a new medtech product, it’s tempting to try to go as broad as possible with the features you include. The more you add on, the more potential users for your device, right? Not exactly. When you try to appeal to every possible need that any potential user might have in a single product, […]
The Venn Diagram of Content Topic Selection
Staying consistent in your brand voice is a critical component of how you write for social media, for thought leadership content, for product descriptions, and for your site’s homepage. Sometimes, we stray from what makes sense for us (our brand) to talk about. We might have the urge to be more creative and less constrained, […]
Strengthening Alignment Between Marketing and Others
We all know we should be breaking down silos for more efficient work. Keeping teams split apart leads to all kinds of issues where critical information doesn’t get passed freely, which means more product issues and customer communication issues. We know we should be more collaborative. But it’s difficult. One reason Marketing doesn’t spend more […]
A Deeper Look at Calling Physicians to Adventure
How does your company call physicians to adventure? We know we have to sell products or services to make money as a company, but how can we draw physicians into something more profound? After attending the Social Media World conference this year, one of my biggest takeaways was a talk focused on a “Call to Adventure” […]
Empowering Older Adults in DTC Marketing
America’s population is aging. The United States Census Bureau in June of 2020 had the following to say on the shift in our demographics: “The first Baby Boomers reached 65 years old in 2011,” said Dr. Luke Rogers, chief of the Census Bureau’s Population Estimates Branch. “Since then, there’s been a rapid increase in the size of […]
Staying Ahead of the Curve: AI in Medtech Marketing
Are you tired of AI hype yet? I feel like I’ve seen a hundred different “Here’s How to Use AI for Marketing” posts at this point—and perhaps just as many posts saying “This Is Why AI Will Never Replace Us.” The conversation may feel superfluous, but we need both sides to keep wrestling as AI […]
Fight Customer Attrition and Reassure Your Customers
Keeping customers is a less expensive process than finding new customers, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Companies have to put real effort in to creating ongoing value for their customers. Sometimes, even if a company does everything right, customers may still leave because of cost pressures, because a new administration wants to work with […]