These days, we are inundated with information about AI and how it’s going to change our lives. The medtech industry is no exception. But what might practical applications of AI look like in modern medicine, and how close are we to actually making that happen? Are all of these changes right around the corner, or […]
Medtech News
The latest developments that are impacting the medtech industry, from new breakthroughs to marketing updates. We'll also share our observations from trade shows.
Medtech Tidbits: Startups, Robotics, & Career Paths
I recently had the chance to visit the LSI meeting to take a look at all things startup in the world of medtech. Don’t worry—this isn’t an article set on trying to convince you to go next year, but I did want to share some of my experiences from the meeting. And the first experience […]
Are Robots Old News?
“Robots are old news now.” The statement gave us all a chuckle during a recent client call. Once the hot buzzword in the industry, “robotics” is now just another innovative tool in the toolkit for medtech companies. It’s not that robotic devices are incapable of doing impressive things. Far from it. There are entire companies […]
Healthcare Headsets Finally Taking Off? What Apple Vision Could Mean
Surprisingly enough, I’m not here to sing Apple’s praises or to criticize the company’s major new announcement of the Vision Pro headset. I’d rather look at what kind of impact Apple could have on medtech products if it is successful with its new $3,500 “spatial computing” product. (Stick with me, even if your company doesn’t […]