As marketing budgets come under more pressure, there’s a greater need for teams to be more precise in the applications that they develop. The days of massive ongoing projects are disappearing, replaced with a rise of custom development projects that solve specific problems. And that means that marketing teams have a greater need to improve […]
Five Keys to Creating an Effective Physician Finder
Physician finders are a mainstay for many medtech companies. These tools can be helpful in getting patients to the providers and hospitals that use your devices. However, not all physician finders are created equal. If you want your physician finder to actually be effective, there are several factors that you should consider. Ultimately, your physician […]
Providing Value to Medtech Customers–Even During Lean Times
Your medtech company doesn’t have to be one of the “giants” in the industry, constantly rolling out new products and services, in order to continue providing value to your customers. Even if your company is focused on a single product or service, there are ways to add value without having to develop something big and […]
Common Reasons Doctors Don’t Adopt New Health Tech & How to Address Them
There is a common misconception that physicians are resistant to adopting new technologies. However, that is not actually the case; the reality is that physicians are simply resistant to upending their normal routines if they don’t feel it truly provides improvement over their normal processes. If the new technology or service adds to their workload, […]
Tips for Running a Successful Co-Branded Campaign for Medtech Companies
While co-branded campaigns are a common marketing strategy for health tech companies and providers, creating successful co-branded campaigns can be a challenge. Companies and providers have to balance what they want to say with what the patient will actually care about, and that is often an issue that co-branded campaigns struggle with. On an episode […]